Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis' execution...I finally have an opinion.

Ever since a sorority sister brought the Troy Davis case to my attention, I've been kind of obsessed with it because I could never let an innocent man be put to death, which is what the world, and even he, said. I even signed two online petitions to reexamine his case. But the more I looked into the case, the more I agree with the verdict.

"We are all Troy Davis." No, I am not Troy Davis. First of all, I would never pistol whip a homeless man for beer, and second of all, I don't own a gun. Troy Davis had 20 years after the incident to prove his innocence. If anyone failed, it was his lawyer because he couldn't prove differently, and I'm sure he tried his hardest; what person wouldn't if they were fighting for someone's life? If the case specifics were enough to convict Davis of murder in 1989, how could they have changed so much over the past 20 years?

 There was a quote by one of the witnesses who said "If I knew then what I know now, Troy wouldn't have been on death row." And what that says to me is #1, you didn't tell the whole truth, like you swore you would during the trial, or #2, you're upset that a man is going to be put to death based upon your testimony, and you're trying any way possible to get out of the blame. But guess what? You're not to blame! All you had to do was get on that stand and tell the truth of what you witnessed, and if you did, then it is not your fault. What did Davis in is the shell casings from the murder matched the ones from Davis' gun from a previous shooting. And if the case is #1, you ought to serve jail time for perjury, and yes, you should feel like you were to blame. No matter who is bullying you, or what the case may be, you always have the choice to tell the truth.

There was another thing about the case that I read that said that the man that was with Davis that night said he shot the officer, and not Davis. Well, if he truly meant that and was remorseful, he would have told the authorities what he knows. And if that man wasn't remorseful, and was saying that to prove what a bad@$$ he is, the people should have went to the authorities immediately, instead of going to the media. Yet again, it looks like another plea to clear someone's conscience.

Davis upheld his innocence, even until his lethal injection and death. That, to me, is the most creepy thing about this case.  If he was truly innocent, then he is in a better place, and this whole matter is put to rest. He had a very peaceful execution. Davis didn't have to die a cruel and unusual death, like hanging or electrocution. He simply went to sleep on a gurney. The officer that was shot didn't get die in his sleep and wasn't offered his favorite meal as his last, even though Davis refused his last meal. No, the officer simply was doing his job, even when he was off duty, and coming to the aid of a man who needed help.

I fully support the death penalty. Reason being, if you let murderers live, you're not punishing them for their crime and you're not making them an example of why you can't murder people. Life in prison is not only expensive for us tax payers, but its not a punishment! "You get to live even though you brutally murdered your victim."- does that sound fair and just?!

 No one will ever know the truth behind this case, but apparently the judges that reexamined his case think the verdict was correct. As an outsider, I have to believe the justice system was correct with their verdict. And as sad as it is for a human life to end, murderer or not, sometimes it has to be done. We constantly expect the justice system, filled with imperfect, unjust people, to be perfect. I have seen and personally experienced the justice system fail, which sucks, its heartbreaking, and revolting, but I've seen it succeed too, and more often than not, it succeeds. No, I'm not saying that Davis' death was a success, but I'm not saying it wasn't warranted. All I'm saying is that justice was served to a family who had been waiting for 20 years for justice to give them peace.

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