Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What a scary conversation!

(From Sex And The City, Season 2, Episode 16, "Was it good for you?") Samantha: "Who you are in bed is who you are in life! I've never met a man who was good in bed that wasn't good in life....Soon, everyone will be pansexual. It won't matter if you're gay or straight." Carrie:"Just whether or not you're good in bed." Samantha: "Exactly!"


"Who you are in bed is who you are in life." ... I don't know about this statement. Why must our mentality revolve around sex?! Yes, humans are sexual creatures, but why must we be labeled by someone's opinion of us sexually? Who we are in bed is not who we are in life! How does 30 minutes in the sack compete with the 16-18.5 hours one is up during the day? Yes, if you're good in bed, you have unbelievable confidence, but to me, that's all sex is. Sex is all about confidence in your ability to make your partner weak in the knees, and that's not all about the bedroom! You can make your partner weak in the knees by the way you dress, the shoes that show off your calves, how well you keep your body fit, your body language, your intelligence so that you can play the flirtatious mind games, etc. And isn't it amazing if we say someone isn't good in bed, that their confidence level plummets, along with their self esteem and dignity? Maybe instead of focusing on the sexual desires, as the media would have us do, we should focus on the person, and the beauty that lies within. Sorry, Samantha, that's strike one.

"I've never met a man that was good in bed and not good in life." ... I'm sure they're out there. Strike two, Samantha.

"Soon, everyone will be pansexual. It won't matter if you're gay or straight." ... WHAT?! Its hard enough to wrap my head around transexuality, much less pansexuality?! "Pan" means "all", "sexuality" means "the state of being sexual", so being pansexual means you have sex with everything? I don't get it! First of all, no offense to anyone who is, but I don't want to be pansexual. I'm created to be attracted to men, not women, not animals, and not people who think they were born without gender (which I think is a laughable concept. You may not have been raised with society's concept of what gender is, but if you have a woohoo, you're male, which is a gender, and if you have a wahoo, you're female, which is also a gender. Everything has a gender. Even asexuality is a gender! Everything in nature needs to reproduce, so God provided all living creatures with 3 genders, male, female, and asexual [those who can reproduce without aid]. If you're human, you are not without gender. Period.) Even my computer doesn't understand pansexuality! As I type it, the computer thinks I'm spelling it wrong. When did sex get so complicated, and how can I unlearn the complicated things I know?!  Strike three, Samantha! You're out!

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