My very smart friend sent me a text message this past Monday saying she was going to deactivate her Facebook account for a little while. She said she was doing this to 'fast' from Facebook, and the world we've created. I didn't give it much thought. I've known a couple of friends who have deactivated their accounts for different reasons, but her reason has had me thinking the past couple of days.
I used to think I couldn't deactivate my account because it's quite literally my ticket to any information going on back home! Ever since being here in Florida, I've learned of several important issues going on back home from Facebook, like learning my sister and a couple of friends were pregnant, finding out engagements from several sorority sisters, events for both occasions; just being updated on other people's lives. But lately, everything that I've posted on Facebook seems to be bringing out the worst in me, and I think my friend has a very wise point.
Maybe its my fault for treating Facebook like Myspace, where I could post anything I wanted and not really reap any consequences, but the things I've posted haven't been too inflammatory, in my and my friend's opinions. However, other friends would tend to disagree. For example, I wrote a status earlier in the week that said how irritated it makes me when people don't go to the doctor and complain about the results, or think they know more than a doctor. Being the child of a doctor, would you expect anything less of me? I'm also in the medical field with several good friends and family members there right along with me! Its stupid to refuse you body of the health it deserves, and a doctor is key to that health! However, you should have read some comments that were posted!
"When my doctor only tries to prescribe me medication as the only treatment, yes we will have words... Ask her I have proven here wrong before. If its about surgery than that's a whole other ball game"
"I'm Mr. Know-It-All... so of course I know better than the MD that went to school for so long he forgot to think...If I'm Mr. Know-It-All, then unless someone didn't say what I was thinking, then they must not be thinking..... now while I step away from being Mr. Know-It-All... some people in general spend so much time in school they may forget to think for themselves"
"I'm just used to our current system of the doctor seeing me for a total of 2 or 3 minutes then scribbling something on a pad of paper and saying next. Then I get the prescription and it doesn't work and I'm still sick and out a couple hundred bucks."
"Erin,I kinda hope you don't have boys. Their mantra is scars are tattoos with better stories. :-)"
And while I understand some of these view points, it irritated me to no end that someone would disagree with saying you shouldn't assume you know everything about your body considering your doctor went to school for so many years to study the body! Why on Earth go to the doctor if you don't like them, and for that matter, why post on my status your different opinion? Normally, I'm okay with different opinions, but lately, I've felt attacked by them! And I know that when you have a dissenting opinion, you're not necessarily attacking the other person, but sometimes, its just irritating! Sometimes I need someone to say, "You know, Erin, you're right!"
I was so frustrated with that stupid status update that I allowed it to frustrate my ENTIRE DAY! Really! I was a force to be reckoned with the entire day, and what was said shouldn't have upset me so bad! I had created drama in my life because I allowed this made up world to consume my reality! And as soon as I realized that, my friend seemed wise beyond her years!
As much as I love interacting with my friends on Facebook, I never realized how much it consumes my day! Its on my phone, and whenever I'm bored, my phone is right here to ease my addiction. During the morning, my routine is coffee, breakfast, SATC, and Facebook. Its there to keep me from studying, its there to create unnecessary drama, its there to take my attention off things that really matter! While Facebook has a lot of great qualities, like catching up with classmates, family, sorority sisters, fraternity brothers, etc., its very potent! To quote my friend, who is taking a hiatus, "I feel cut off and don't really know what's going on in my friend's lives. It's sad, Erin! I think about status updates in my head!" But really, how important is it to know every little thing going on with everyone else? If they want me to know, surely the illusive phone call will come back into style, or at least a text will do.
So, as I have a mere 25 days till my life may end again (ie the ASCP examination), I might take a hiatus too. No status updates for 25 days, no commenting for 25 days; only posting pictures IF need be. Hey, can you blame me? Better yet, can you join me? Lets get back to reality!
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